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a journey of success together

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Adamant Investors is a public equity company with built in accountability. After joining Adamant Investors, we welcome you aboard as a general partner of your franchise, which makes you a limited partner to other companies. At Adamant Investors, you are able to begin your journey of success in venture capital, and we encourage you to assume risk. The larger the risk, the larger the reward. All we ask at Adamant Investors Inc is that you double check the numbers as to ensure the employees are getting paid a livable wage and consumer rights are not being violated. Adamant Investors is not liable for your franchise, but Adamant Investors provides you with the tools you need to be a successful investor. When you become a limited partner of any venture you are assuming the risk with the general partner of said company, and you will be held accountable to the letter of the law. If you are an honest person and pride yourself in selflessness this should not be a problem for you at all. If you encounter a general partner of any venture not complying with honest wages or is guilty of violating consumer rights, Adamant Investors ask that you report this general partner and the company immediately and our team of specialists will launch an investigation. Any tips that you provide will be considered and in the event the information you provide us leads to a prosecution you may qualify for a substantial financial reward. At Adamant Investors Inc we value honesty, transparency, selflessness, and community above profits, and we encourage our accredited investors to adopt this mentality. At Adamant Investors, we pride ourselves in being a game changer in the modern world where people confuse theft for capitalism and believe in business there are winners and losers. In sports there are winners and losers, but in business cheaters, liars, and deceivers are the only losers. If you are a cheater, liar, or a deceiver operating in the business realm, moving forward this is not your era and you are being delivered to your day of judgement, we promise you this much. If you love honesty, transparency, selflessness, community, and are all about compassionate capitalism, then Adamant Investors welcomes all of you to a new era of capitalism and we are excited to embark on this new venture with all of you.

Adamant Investors Inc provides an innovative platform that encourages our entrepreneurs & investors to meet, network, & build trust. As this bond continues to develop between our entrepreneurs and investors and new ideas emerge, Adamant Investors Inc offers a valuable suite of tools and network of freelancers who are able and eager to assist you in transforming that great idea to reality starting with a dynamic business plan. Keep in mind that a business plan is more of a rough draft that continues to evolve one conversation at a time, we at Adamant Investors Inc often refer to this concept as "market research." As you continue developing your  new business concept, our highly accredited investors are being notified of your progress. Your willingness to remain coachable and be mentored builds tremendous trust with our wealthy network of accredited investors, as you are well on your way to raising your first round of start-up venture capital. Congratulations, you all are just a few clicks away from launching the next series of innovative businesses that will literally reshape the world. 

       “An investment no matter how small grows faster than a dormant idea.


Our vision is to create a safe Platform specifically for Entrepreneurs and Investors to collaborate, network, share ideas, organize and plan business strategies that address our next set of societal problems we're currently facing.

"Together we can achieve great things; individually, we are extremely limited!"


Our mission is to create an innovative partnership with the everyday working-class in their local markets as our network of investors and entrepreneurs. Our philosophy is simple;  investors should always be on the lookout for new investment opportunities, our entrepreneurs need capital, and Adamant Investors is the technology company facilitating and connecting two.

"It Still Takes A Village!"


Our goal is simple and realistic; we are creating and providing an innovative application that partners with the everyday working-class as our investors and entrepreneurs in each major market across the globe, beginning with Dallas, Fort Worth. Who is more equipped to solve the issues society is facing than the everyday working-class that is experiencing the problems face-to-face?

"The Best Way To Predict Our Future Is To Roll Up Our Sleeves And Create IT!"



Adamant Investors provides a working platform for entrepreneurs and investors to meet, collaborate, explore new ideas and business proposals, develop relationships and build trust, and inspire tomorrow's future, together. 


Step into a state-of-the-art designed virtual environment strategically organized to help you establish as a local investment group, and begin your venture, re-shaping your future together; a future that both you and your community can approve of, and would love to be apart of. Consider any problem you have with your current job, your current financials, gaps in todays products and services from the food industry, to technology, to government agencies such education, health insurance, legality, and welfare. Now, more than ever the power is in your hands to change what you and your community disapproves of through real business solutions that you all create together, through aligned interests. 


Our platform provides a safe place for the everyday working-class to consolidate and bridge the gaps in their society that we experience on a daily basis.  We have designed our platform to create an equal partnership with our investors and entrepreneurs (you), treating our partners how we love being treated. 


Do you feel there is more purpose to your life, but not sure how to access it? Do you feel like you are not fulfilling your purpose, and that you were designed for so much more than what you're settling for? Allow Adamant Investors to be your solution to the brighter future you've been dreaming about. We understand the problems we're facing, and Adamant Investors is finally providing a platform for you and others to network and invest in business solutions that all of us can believe in. 


Do you think being an investor is out of your reach due to financial limits and strains? If your answer is "YES" you should reconsider and join a team of local investors and entrepreneurs who plan to positively transform the world, one business solution at a time.



“An investment no matter how small, grows faster than a dormant idea”


“Ambition is the steam that drives men forward on the road to success”


"Everything begins with an Idea"


“Planning and strategy makes work a whole lot easier”


Need to develop a website? Need help developing & writing content? Connect with one of our Freelancers today and begin making your way onto the WEB. 

"The web knows all"


“Let our platform users know your business is up and running, and ready to conduct business!”

"Demonstrate Your Awesomeness"

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